Slide slider-image1.jpg V-shape.svg 01 A century of experience
in international forwarding
OUR LEGACY agglika-espa.jpg
Slide slider-image2.jpg V-shape.svg 02 We ensure the best
quality-cost ratio
OUR GOAL agglika-espa.jpg slide1.jpg
Slide var.jpg V-shape.svg 03 Consistency, reliability,
commitment & teamwork
OUR VALUES agglika-espa.jpg 130704601_4696250317115806_2450834807580899765_o.jpg
Τurnkey solutions for sea, road
and air transportation.
Varoutsikos group has expanded its activities to other service sectors, now covering the entire network of modern transportation needs at domestic and international level.
We are a group of companies
working on the same goals.

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